Nepalese division of IAP (IAP-ND) was registered for the first time in October 20, 1996 during International council meeting in Hungary. The executive officers and founding members were Prof. HG Shrestha (President), Prof. Susheila Dali (secretary) and Prof. Gita Sayami (treasurer) from department of Pathology, Tribhuvan University teaching hospital. Unfortunately, IAP-ND was discontinued since 2005. The Association of Clinical Pathologist of Nepal (ACPN) is the only professional organization of Nepalese pathologist working in Nepal. The ACPN has more than 150 members at present. The present executive body of ACPN headed by Prof. Gopi Aryal (2014-March, 2017) decided to reactivate the IAP-ND.

During the General assembly meeting of ACPN, It has been decided that the ACPN will work as IAP-ND. Dr. Francisco Couto, as IAP’s Goodwill ambassador to Nepal, attended the congress of of ACPN held on 28th to 29th March 2014 at Hotel Yak and Yeti, Kathmandu. He encouraged Nepalese pathologist to attend International congress and discussed the ways to activate IAP-ND. The five Nepalese pathologists (Dr. Gopi Aryal, Dr. Sujan Sharma, Dr. Suniti Shrestha, Dr. Prativa Bista, and Dr. Neharika Shah) attended the XXXth Congress of IAP in Bangkok in October, 2014. The IAP-ND was formally reactivated in this meeting. Dr. Gopi Aryal, the president of ACPN, thanked all the officials of IAP who voted in favor of reactivation of IAP-ND in Bangkok.


The constitution and byelaws of the Association of clinical pathologist of Nepal (ACPN)-Nepalese division of International Academy of Pathology (IAP-ND) 

As amended : 29 March, 2014


The qualified medical pathologist of Nepal, who belongs to the profession of scientific and modern system of medicine, have formed an association in order to give their share to the progress and development of the country by improving the health of its people. This association shall be purely professional and scientific body and shall have no political affiliation and shall not indulge in any other unrelated activities.


1. Name Of Association

The name of Association shall be Association of Clinical Pathologist of Nepal,in short ACPN. The headquarter of the association shall be in Kathmandu.The association represents Nepalese division of the International Academy of Pathology (IAP-ND).
2. Definition
In these articles of the constitution of ACPN, the following word and expression have the meaning herein after given them respectively.
a. The “constitution” means constitution of ACPN.
b. “Article” means the article of constitution of ACPN.
c. “Regulation” means the regulation contained in articles of association with the modification there of or addition there to as may from time to time enforced.
d. The “general assembly” means the assembly of members of the association.
e. The “executive committee” means the body administering the association’s activities and constituted here in after provided.
f. Where the masculine gender is used the article equally hold good for the feminine gender.
g. “By law of association” means the rules adopted according to the regulation as byelaws of ACPN with some modification there of or additions there to as may from time to time be enforced.
3. The Seal Of ACPN
The seal is round with the microscope at the center signifying the vision of unknown, encircled by the words “Association of clinical pathologist’ of Nepal-2010” at above whereas in the lower part the official address “ Nepal Medical Association building, exhibition road, Kathmandu . These words shall be written in both English (at outer circle) and Nepali (at inner circle) languages. The color of the seal shall be blue.


The objectives of the association shall be:
a. To exchange knowledges and experiences among the members in all aspect of pathology including research, education and training.
b. To attempt to solve the issues and problems related in the field of pathology.
c. To promote cooperation among pathologists all over the world for the benefit of health of the people by holding symposium, seminars, CME, conferences from time to time by the association.
d. To work as Nepalese division of international Academy of Pathology (IAP-ND).


1. Eligibility of membership
Membership shall be opened to appropriately qualified person in the field of clinical and surgical pathology subject to scrutinization and conformation by the executive committee.
2. Classification of members
There shall be 4 types of membership provided by ACPN.
a.Ordinary/general member: NMC registered Nepalese medical Doctors with minimum 2 years training in surgical pathology or clinical pathology with degree of post graduation diploma, MD or PhD. Pathologist from foreign country , currently working professionals in Nepal with NMC registration are eligible to take general membership of ACPN.
b. Founder member: Official at the time of inception of the ACPN
c. Life member: Persons who have special contribution to the ACPN
d. Honorary member: Specialists in other medical sciences or Nepalese pathologists working in other countries, who have special contribution to Nepal in the field of pathology. They will be nominated by 5 life members who further need to be approved by General assembly.

Life membership: Rs 5000.00
General membership: Rs 2000.00 at registration and Rs 1000.00 per year for renewal
General members of Nepalese Division of IAP (IAP-ND): as per IAP regulation (at present:
$6 per year)

Privileges of the members:
a. All members have the right to attend and take part in scientific and social
function, organized by the association for the members.
b. Ordinary and life members shall have voting rights to elect executive
committee or to call general body meeting.
c. Termination of membership: By resignation or removal of membership from
the register as per byelaws.


General assembly:
1. At the time of congress, there will be a general assembly meeting attended by all the ordinary and life members.
2. The general assembly will elect executive committee.
3. The general assembly will review past three years activities and prepare pro
grams for next three years.
4. The general assembly will pass the audited account.
5. The general assembly will approve the amended constitution as per byelaws.
6. The general assembly shall approve honorary membership.
7. The quorum of general assembly:
a. At least 51% of life plus general members present at the general assembly
shall constitute quorum of the assembly.
b. The executive committee or 25 % of the total ordinary and life members,
may call an emergency assembly at any time with one week’s notice, but total
numbers of the members attending such assembly should exceed 51% of the
total ordinary and life members.

Executive committee:
The office bearers of the association shall consists of a president, a vice president, a general secretary, a joint secretary, a treasurer and six members. Term of office bearers will be of three years.


Duties of officials:
1. President: The president is the chief executive and constitutional head of the association. He shall preside over all the meetings of the association and shall regulate the proceeding of the meeting and conferences.
2.Vice president: In the absence of president for any reasons, the vice president shall officiate.
3. General Secretary: He shall on behalf of executive committee, be in charge of the office and properties of the association. He shall be responsible for the record off proceeding of the meetings.
4. Joint secretary: In the absence of general secretary for any reason, the joint secretary will officiate for him.
5. Treasurer: The treasurer shall maintain an association’s account. The account shall be operated by the president or general secretary and the treasurer. The treasurer shall prepare an annual statement of audited account at the end of the tenure showing the balance. The auditor will be appointed by ACPN’s executive committee.


The association will hold a congress every three years with the appropriate theme and shall consist of the following activities:
1. Updates in the field of surgical and clinical pathology.
2. All members can take part in the congress after paying the registration fees,
fixed by the organizing committee.
3. Official delegates and guest, invited by the organizing committee can attend
the congress provided they pay the registration fee. This may be waived off
by the organizing committee in the special circumstances.
4. The foreign delegates shall be of three categories:
a. Official delegates
 b. Officially invited delegates and
 c. Other delegates
5. Business meeting/general assembly meeting :
Only ordinary and life members of ACPN shall be entitled to take part in ACPN business.
meeting held at the time of conferences.
6. Election of executive committee:
 a. Election committee shall be formed by the executive committee for the purpose of election.
 b. Election committee shall invite nomination from amongst the life
and ordinary members with the signature of the candidates, a proposer
and a seconder from amongst the life and ordinary members at least
one hour before the election at the general assembly. These nomination
papers shall be scrutinized and circulated at least half an hour before
the assembly takes place. Withdrawal of the candidacy will be finalized
15 minutes before election. Voting, if necessary shall be done by secret
ballot during the assembly. Candida ture for president post shall not be
permitted for more than two terms.

7. Resolution and amendments:

For any amendment of the constitution or byelaws shall be prepared by the
executive committee and circulated amongst the members 1 week before the
assembly and put to general assembly for approval. Any amendment to the
official resolution shall be submitted to the executive committee at least 2
days before the assembly.


Constitution and byelaws:
Articles and permeable of this constitution can be replaced or altered only by 75% of the total ordinary and life members in a referendum, organized by the executive committee after the general assembly vote for the change as per regulation.