ACPN Membership/Nepal Division of IAP
Our Membership types
General membership
NMC registered Nepalese medical Doctors with minimum 2 years training in pathology or clinical pathology with degree of post graduation diploma, MD or PhD.
Pathologist from foreign country, currently working in Nepal with NMC registration are eligible to take general membership of ACPN.
Founder membership
Official at the time of inception of the ACPN.
Life membership
Persons who have special contribution to the ACPN
Honorary membership
Nepalese pathologists working in other countries, They will be nominated by 5 life members who need to be approved by General assembly.
Fees (effective from 5th March, 2011)
Life membership: Rs 5000.00
General membership: Rs 2000.00 at registration and Rs 1000.00 per year for renewal
General members of Nepal Division of IAP (IAP-ND): $20 for 3 years (NPR 2000)
Make Your Payment